Monday, May 12, 2008

Is this normal?

I was just sitting here doing some work on the computer when I felt like I had been struck with a fit of vertigo. I closed my eyes to try to regain my balance. It wasn't coming back to me. I heard creaking and felt that the whole building was swaying. My curtains were swaying and I immediately began looking for my keys. It was a little difficult to walk to my room. I found them and headed for the door. As I made my way there I saw my clothes on the clothesline. They were swaying as if a breeze were coming through the closed window. A sense of danger and urgency filled me as I hurried out of the apartment. I instinctively hit the elevator button but then realized that was probably a terrible idea. I headed for the stairs and flew down them. As I exited the building there were others behind me. I got far away from my complex of buildings and made my way up the street where there was a crush of people in the street all staring at the top of their buildings. We have had stormy weather recently in Beijing and it was quite windy outside. I assumed that the swaying was due to the high winds. I strolled around the streets contemplating my future in an apartment that can't withstand high winds. I questioned Chinese construction codes and procedures. After walking around, getting a bite to eat, and a careful study of the exterior of my building I returned to my apartment. I left the TV on and CNN was reporting a 7.8 magnitude earthquake near Chengdu. I had never been in an earthquake before so now I guess I can check that one off of the list.


Unknown said...

Just glad to know everything is okay with you! Earthquakes can be fun if they're little and don't cause any damage, but you definitely got an experience out of this one.

-Your distant cousin and fellow English teacher currently living in Japan, Carol

Anonymous said...

Well, you experienced this as well, which floor? I was also in Beijing at the time, but did not felt it, but my friends called me straight after and most of them did. Terrible earthquake that was.